Sunday, May 19, 2024

CPE Agility Nationals Day 3

CPE Agility Nationals Day 3. Trapper was the very best boy and we had a perfect day. It was incredibly hot today getting up to over 90 degrees. Our first run was a tricky colors that required lots of control and he ran it perfectly. Next was standard and he was a little stressed on that run for some reason but we pulled it off with a Q. It took a long time to cool him off. We were in the very last group for Snooker and it was hot but the course was so much fun. A great way to end our nationals experience tomorrow we start our way home. Trapper won Agility High in Trial Standard for enthusiast level C 20 inch. 

 Colors - 
Standard - 
Snooker -

Saturday, May 18, 2024

CPE Agility Nationals Day 2

We had a rough day today. Trapper and I were not in sync in our first run which was jackpot. Trapper didn't like my opening plan and decided to get creative (1 point short), and with my GoPro battery not charging I was thrown off a little, at the gamble he did the tunnel, wall jump and got on the teeter but he hopped off the side towards me, I should have sent him to the final jump but he was moving back to me and I didn't so handling error for me oops. Wildcard was in a ring we hadn't been too and it was hot by then over 80 with high humidity. He did everything in that Wildcard run but he dropped a bar on the panel, oops NQ. He was hot and weird after his run and I was hot and annoyed so not our best moments sigh. By Standard we were ready to run and we were in sync not super fast but we ran clean and I was so happy that we had a great run to end our day. My GoPro failed us on the video boo. We were all hot and I wanted to get back to the AC so I put them in the car and left the car running with the AC on while I went to get our Q ribbon. Turns out he was listed as a dropped bar which I knew he didn't have. I was frustrated and it turns out another lady had the same issue so I decided to take it to the score room who took it to the judge who didn't remember me and declined my request. As I was leaving I ran into Susan who had seen our run and the judge put her hand up in the dropped bar position after we were through the tire that didn't move and we were going into the gate box so she really meant to give a thumbs up. I went back to the score keeper and she fixed it for me. I am so happy that I fought it and that Susan saw it! Wildcard -

Friday, May 17, 2024

CPE Agility Nationals Day 1

CPE Agility Nationals Day 1. Trapper was the very best boy. We started off with Standard which I already posted about and he did a great job he paused in the weaves but didn't pop out and was slow on the teeter but he wasn't running in any pain and was happy to play. Our next run was FullHouse and he was ready to go! He did what I asked and we got our points and got out. Jumpers was my favorite course though, it was hot by then but he ran extremely smooth and quite fast, it was a joy to run with him. Excited to play with him again and so happy that he is running better then he has in a long time. Standard Full House Jumpers

Thursday, May 16, 2024

CPE Speedway Nationals Day 2

Speedway Nationals is officially done. Sparky  did so much better then I thought in the environment. He may not have been super speedy on every run but he completed them and he liked it best running his two rounds in each game back to back. I am glad we got to play. Tomorrow the attention turns to Trapper and agility and Sparky gets to be his best cheerleader self.

It isn't letting me upload videos on the phone app so I will try my computer tomorrow.

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

CPE Speedway Nationals Day 1

Phew what a great day, exhausting but great. Sparky completed all 6 games plus two "drag race" (FastCAT). People that don't know Sparky just called him chill but he struggled with the environment and being able to see all the dogs. He made some mistakes in his runs but I am super proud of him. He did it and he was really happy in the waiting moments and after playing the games. Leanne McKillip made it and she even released him in drag race and he just loves that game so much and Janet Mudge decorated and made our stall look so good I will take a picture of it tomorrow. Trapper got more comfortable in the environment and we finally found the perfect disc playing spot for his rewards and had to try it out. We are loving our little Airbnb yard and the big comfy couches.